Merck KGaA

There's a desease that is little known…

Client: Merck KGaA
Categories: Bewegtbild Erklärvideo
Theme: Medizin

The CSR department of Merck focusses on the battle against the neglected tropical desease schistosomiasis. Following an infographic project in 2016 about that schistosomiasis, merck asked us to develop and produce an extraordinary explainer video about this important topic.


This premium animated video does away with narration entirely and uses text very sparingly on screen. But it still conveys the key information about schistosomiasis:  transmission routes, symptoms, social and personal impacts, and Merck’s dedicated efforts to combat the disease. Creating a video without any voiceover narration requires exceptionally intensive conceptual planning. The result is a unique video with an emotional impact.


Visual Concept

Die außergewöhnliche Farbwelt des Film basiert auf dem neuen Corporate Design des Konzerns. In einer größtenteils isometrischen Perspektive wird die Geschichte mit flüssig animierten Figuren erzählt. Fließende Kamerafahrten und dynamische Übergänge tragen zu der dichten Atmosphäre bei.
Die eigens für den Clip durch einen Filmmusiker komponierte Musik unterstreicht diese emotionale Wirkung.


This demonstrates the possibilities for unusual informational formats that depart from the look and narration of conventional explainer video genres.
The video’s lack of a voiceover makes it particularly suitable for social media sharing and mobile viewing.

The Video

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Jan Künzl


+49 30 845 20 430