Bertelsmann Stiftung

Toward the Labour Market 4.0

Client: Bertelsmann Stiftung
Theme: Technik

For the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung think tank, we designed and produced a media packet for the publicity of the Labor Market 4.0 project that consisted of three animated explainer videos, six large infographics, and the print-ready layout and design of their concluding brochure.

Crossmedia Approach

The Bertelsmann Foundation and the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung think tank conducted a joint study into the effects of digitalization on the German labor market. The study outlined various scenarios for the future of the labor market, deriving several sample career profiles. Our task was to visualize and communicate the results of the study in fresh formats across mediums.

Explainer Videos

For three of the sample career profiles, we created short animated videos highlighting the main aspects. The videos share a coherent futuristic look and present the topics with a sense of humor.


We also created infographics for each of the six scenarios. Visually inspired by the isometric style of the classic Sim City games, we generated a consistent visual impression for the scenario while using a panel of icons to show each configuration of the key variables.


We designed and layouted the final broschure of the project. It has 77 pages and and can be downloaded here.

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Jan Künzl


+49 30 845 20 430